Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thanks Andy.

A few years ago cartoonist Andy Donoto put out a cartoon of what he thought then was a average "pit bull" owner.  It generated hundreds of emails and letters to both Andy and the Toronto Sun. 
People sent in pictures of their dogs and of themselves.  Some with talent sent Andy their cartoons and this time they projected positive images of owners.  I believe Andy finally got that owners of these dogs are everyday people;they are neighours, teachers, graphic artists, doctors, civil employees, realtors, business owners, caregivers etc.  Just because these people don't make the papers does not mean they don't exist and by the thousands if not tens of thousands in Ontario. 
Thanks for including the "pit bull ban" in the cartoon Andy and for putting it on the top of the heap.  The ban woke up alot of people as to just how bad laws could affect so many individuals and their family members.

One can view Andy's cartoon at the link below.  The other cartoon mentioned is not worth a view.

October 23, 2012 | Cartoons | Opinion | Toronto Sun

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